Farm Drainage

Bower Tiling performs farm drainage and sub-surface irrigation with the use of a model 2050GP Inter-Drain drainage plow capable of plowing 4" to 12" pipe 6 feet deep. Also available is a Inter-Drain 3035HT trencher capable of 12 foot depths and up to 24" pipe installation. The plow and trencher are both GPS controlled for unparalleled precision.

Design and layout of projects are done with a Novatel GPS equipment. We use AMW software for mapping and estimating.


French Drains

A French drain is a trench filled with gravelor rock or containing a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from an area. A French drain can have perforated hollow pipes along the bottom (see images) to quickly vent water that seeps down through the upper gravel or rock.

Tile Repair

We repair any tile whether it was installed by Bower Tiling Service or another contractor. Tile repair for sink holes, wash outs, animal damage, tree roots, broke down mains, outlet replacements etc.

Waterway Structures

Structures are intended for low gravity flow. Constructed of rugged 1/2" PVC with lockable plastic lid. Flexible couplers allow PVC, plastic pipe, or other materials to be easily attached. (specify type when ordering) 5 year warranty on all standard structures.