Proper Drainage Makes A Difference!

A properly installed drainage system makes investments pay off fast by getting you in the fields earlier in the Spring. And, crops can be harvested at their peak in the Fall, while keeping moisture content at a minimum.


  • Herbicides and fertilizers will be more effective for increasing yields
  • If salinity control is required to reclaim land and productivity, subsurface drainage is ideal
  • Better livestock farming, as improved drainage of pasture land leads to improved grazing management

Other Applications

  • Grain Aeration
  • Land reclamation
  • Pond damns
  • Culverts

The Ditcher's Handy Rule of Thumb for Mains

Approximation of main size vs. acreage:

  • 6" main for 10 acres

  • 8" main for 20 acres

  • 10" main for 30 acres

  • 12" main for 40 acres 


Lateral Spacing

Soils Permeability Spacing in Feet
Clay and clay loam Very slow 30 to 70
Silt and siltly clay loam Slow to moderate 60 to 100
Sandy loam Moderate to rapid 100 to 300
Organic   50 to 200

Estimated Pipe Requirements per Acre

Spacing in Feet Quantity per Acre Spacing in Feet Quantity per Acre
20 2178 55 792
25 1742 60 726
30 1452 65 670
35 1244 70 622
40 1089 80 544
45 968 90 484
50 871 100 453

Professional Farm Drainage Installation

Bower Tiling Service, Inc. has been operating in the field of farm drainage for four generations. We believe that due to the quality of our products and services, we have built a reputation and under no circumstances will we sacrifice that. We want you to have, as we have had, pride in our company, our products, and quality of work.

French Drains

A French drain is a trench filled with gravelor rock or containing a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from an area. A French drain can have perforated hollow pipes along the bottom (see images) to quickly vent water that seeps down through the upper gravel or rock.

Tile Repair

We repair any tile whether it was installed by Bower Tiling Service or another contractor. Tile repair for sink holes, wash outs, animal damage, tree roots, broke down mains, outlet replacements etc.

Waterway Structures

Structures are intended for low gravity flow. Constructed of rugged 1/2" PVC with lockable plastic lid. Flexible couplers allow PVC, plastic pipe, or other materials to be easily attached. (specify type when ordering) 5 year warranty on all standard structures.